21th Congress of the Portuguese Ethological Society
The 21th Congress of the Portuguese Ethological Society took place on 5 and 6 December 2024 in Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD) in Lisbon, and on the 7 December workshops in Guia!
This edition included national and international invited plenary talks, workshops, oral communications and poster sessions, awards and social events. More information here!

20th Congress of the Portuguese Ethological Society
The 20th Congress of the Portuguese Ethological Society took place on 7, 8 and 9 December, 2023 in Vila do Conde, Portugal, in partnership with Associação BIOPOLIS - CIBIO.
This edition included national and international invited plenary talks, workshops, oral communications and poster sessions, awards and social events. More information in the congress website here.
This year, Pol Sorigue earned the prestigious Vitor Almada Award for his captivating presentation, "Molecular evolution of the genes involved in social behavior across Lake Tanganyika's cichlids adaptive radiation!"
Additionally, SPRINGER acknowledged excellence this year awarding Amalia de la Torre Herrera with the top prize for the best poster, featuring "Automated Monitoring of Pair Bonds in a Gregarious Bird," and recognizing Beatriz Palinhos Pereira's compelling talk on "Disruption of cleaner wrasse cognition and brain morphology under marine heatwaves" as the second-best student oral presentation.
Spicing up the conference, we partnered with AIMM to introduce an interactive bingo game during oral presentations this year. The participants Francisco Louro and Nádia Jesus, each snagged an AIMM sweatshirt, and Iolanda Silva walked away with a SPE t-shirt.

9th European Student Conference on Behaviour and Cognition
The 9th European Student Conference on Behavior and Cognition 2023 took place in Lisbon! This year, the Portuguese Society of Ethology sponsored travel grants. More information at